Thursday, April 09, 2009

A very nice, warm run tonight

The park was definitely calling my name this afternoon so I slipped out a little early (just 10 minutes or so) and made a dash for it. I was so anxious to get to the park and get running, I did a Superman in the far stairwell in the parking garage at work. No one ever uses this stairwell so I just jumped in there and changed in to my running attire. It was fast.

Traffic was bad so it took a while to get there. Amber replied to a tweet and said she was going to the park with a friend. I asked if she was going clock- or counter-clockwise so I could go the other way and meet up with them for introductions and a quick chat. I was thinking later that as slow as I go, you could run either way and you're likely to pass me, either from behind or head on. Anyway, it was a plan ans sure enough, I saw Amber and got to meet her friend. That was fun. I walked with them for a few minutes and then took off. Lots of familiar faces out there which made for a nice time.

I had 2 plans tonight. My heart had plans for 3 miles (1 loop) but my head prescribed an easy 2. I ended up with 2.1, including the walk with Amber and her friend. I really felt great. It was nice and warm out and the sun was playing peek-a-boo. My pace was ~14:00.

I had to put a new pair of shoes into the rotation as my slightly used (40 miles) pair was left at home last night. Fortunately, I had a new pair in the trunk that I bought a few weeks ago at Luke's. It was a perfectly easy run to break them in. I don't know what it was but my feet was falling asleep a couple times. I had to stop and adjust the laces a couple times. All normal stuff.

Rest day tomorrow. The fam is traveling to Louisiana to spend Easter weekend with J's parents. I absolutely could not get off work tomorrow and they really wanted to leave tomorrow morning so I'll be bach'n it this weekend. I'd love to go but in a way I'm glad I'm not this time. I'm really in a good place right now with my eating and my exercise. A trip to the country would really set me back. I just know I'd go and eat a bunch of crap and not run Saturday and I would loose momentum. I sooooo want to see the sub-310 next week because the next big push after that is sub-300. I can really see the light and I'm HIGHLY motivated right now. So, I might do some cooking this weekend. I'm definitely doing some running on Saturday. Yard work the rest of the weekend.

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