Well, another long race under my belt and it was a tough one. 25K! Did I just run 15.5 miles? I think I did. How is that possible? I don't know but I did it.
The sub-13:30 miles were in short supply for me today. Not to make any excuses but near the end of the 2nd loop, I started experiencing a pretty wicked cramp in my right calf. I think I got a little dehydrated. I'm going to have to start walking through the water stops and actualy drinking the water. I have been running throught the stop and grabbing a cup. Then I take a swig and pour the rest on my head to cool me off. I've got to get that water IN me I think to avoid what happened today.
The plan was to start out around 13:45 for a few miles, ease on down to 13:30 over the next miles and then see how I felt on the last lap. For the most part, the early part of the race went according to plan:
Mile 1 - 13:44
Mile 2 - 13:42
Mile 3 - 13:35
Mile 4 - 13:36
Mile 5 - 13:42
Mile 6 - 13:27
Mile 7 - 13:39
Mile 8 - 13:35
Mile 9 - 13:46
I was still running pretty well at this point but was starting to feel the twinge every once in a while in the right calf. I walked through that water stop and then made a pit stop at the potty right after. I lost a little over a minute there.
Mile 10 - 14:21
Mile 11 - 13:49
Guess here is where it kind of got bad with the cramping and having to walk. I even stopped completely once for about a half mintue to do some stretching.
Mile 12 - 13:59
Mile 13 - 14:47
Mile 14 - 14:52
Mile 15 - 14:59
Last .5 - 7:06
My finishing time was 3:38:11. If you look at my splits, that doesn't quite add up. Anyway, I had my Garmin set to auto lap at 1 mile and I was consistently short of the acutal mile markers. So, whatever! I'm sure I was all over the street and not running along the tangents where the course was actually measured. Next time, I'm going to turn the auto lap off and do the splits manually. Huh!!! Next time. I don't even want to think about next time today. :o).
Great day for the Striders. I had a great time talking trash with Bill and Steve and others before the race. I think a group of us is thinking about another hobby next year. Perhaps chess or quilting. Bowling may be good but that's pretty stenuous. We'll have to see. Had the awesome privalege of seeing Barbara and talking to her before the race. Great to see you, B, and GREAT LEGS!!!
Lot's of fun out on the course as well. Loop course plus running slow equals seeing friends multiple times. Chatted with my first coach, Andrea, right before the start but when the gun sounded, she was off like a flash. Lisa and Jack were at Waugh Dr. cheering all of us on. I got a glimple of Christy with here precious kiddo on the opposite side of the street. Don's ask me what mile I was on. David, Andrey, Chip, Jennie, Miriam, Lee, Steve, Edwin,.... it seems like they all lapped me 2 or 3 times. Guess that's not possible since it was a 3 loop course. I don't know why I remember this so vividly but David M FLEW past me. He was running fast. I think he won! Then Jennie, David's much better half, FLEW past me. I think she acutally caught David and beat him by a nose. And the amazing Steve B, who ran an amazing, risky, gutsy race and turned in an awesome PR performance. Congrats to good friend and first timer Rebellious Bill who ran a great race. Thanks, June for coming out to cheer us on. June ran her 15 yesterday and despite a very late night out, came to cheer us on. Great to see Lisa F and Felix and Jon and sooooo many others. Sarah, Jessica, Edwin, and Joe, thanks for not only sticking around but running with me the last quarter mile up that bridge and down to the finish. Hugs and kisses to Joe who had water and banana wating for me at the chip return area. Really, Joe, you deserve a hug. I still owe Keith one, too.
I must say, I felt like crap when I got home. I had a bath and went straight to bed. Even now I have a really bad headace. But my legs and feet are feeling better. Drink, drink, drink!!!
Dear dear Vic. you are still just going and going and going. Great effort today, I am just sorry that my tired ass couldn't hold out. I figured I would look ridiculous running in with you given the fact I had jeans and boots on anyway ;O)
You nailed my main inspiration dead on...that speedy little wifey of mine! All of your shoutouts to the other runners out there nailed some of my other inspirations as well...including yourself! :)
ps - I am glad to see that I am not the only one with a headache, sore legs, and have been sleep walking all day!
Great Distance Vic. If you do put your running shoes up, pick quilting. you can quilt race t shirts together for all those crazy people that are still running.
what I'm I saying. You're hooked on running for life.
Arizona, USA
Man, I only did the relay and my legs are killing me. Big congrats are in order for you for finishing the distance despite some problems. Go Vic!
Way to go Vic! You looked terrific and most importantly - YOU FINISHED! Congrats on pushing through all the bad stuff to accomplish your goal. BTW, I wanted to stick around a bit longer, but the kiddo was cold and wouldn't let me put on her jacket. :-)
You always looked great and happy when I saw you on the course!
GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for a new hobby, Scrabble is my recommendation. :) Internet Scrabble is addictive.
WAY TO GO, VIC!!!! You are the man!
Vic, that was soooo cool to get to say "hey" to you while we were actually running yesterday! I'm always so zoned out during those things that I seem to miss actually seeing anybody!
Me and the elephant legs were so glad to get to catch up with ol' Blue Eyes again! You are looking awesome!
Dude, you're awesome. Great job out there.
Have I ever told you how inspiring you are?
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